GDSlyo One-step Probe RT-qPCR Kit is a glycerol-free one-step RT-qPCR reagent containing lyophilized excipients for the detection of RNA templates that can be lyophilized with a suitable lyophilization process. The difficulties in the development of lyophilized products include three aspects:1. The removal of liquid reagents affects the lyophilized components, and the stability is poor; 2. It is difficult to freeze-dry and mold, and the yield rate is low; 3. Poor long-term storage stability of lyophilized finished products. Through the optimization of functional proteins, the matching and screening of excipients and lyophilization processes, this product successfully solves the above three problems. Through the screening of enzymes and excipients with high stability, the storage stability of this product is consistent with that of glycerin-containing products; By selecting the appropriate lyophilized excipients and matching the lyophilization process, the yield and stability of the lyophilized products are improved, so that the lyophilized products can be stored at room temperature for more than one year. In addition, this product offers the advantages of conventional glycerol reagents, including good multiplex amplification performance, high specificity, and high sensitivity. The dUTP/UDG anti-contamination system is incorporated into the reagents, which can be used at room temperature to eliminate the influence of amplification product contamination on qPCR results and ensure the accuracy of results.
Probe gene expression analysis
Probe Low-copy gene detection
Probe microarray validation
Probe gene knockdown validation
One-step RT-qPCR
This kit is suitable for fluorescence quantification by probe method
This kit is compatible with many real-time systems
Hot-start technology brings high specificity and reproducible amplification
dUTP/UDG system, effectively prevent PCR product contamination