Super 4X One-Step Multiplex Master Mix is used to perform one-step multiplex real-time PCR applications with any gene-specific primer and probe sets, and is suitable for both RNA and DNA targets. Dual hot-start reverse transcriptase and DNA polymerase can complete more than 10-plex highly sensitive and specific quantitative PCR in a single system. The master mix is supplied at a 4X concentration that allows to input more sample into each reaction, increasing sensitivity even in low-volume reactions.
Probe gene expression analysis
Probe Low-copy gene detection
Probe microarray validation
Probe gene knockdown validation
support 10-plex amplification with high specificity
Reverse transcription at 55°C to accommodate complex RNA templates
Contains heat-labile UDG to reduce false-positive contamination
High sensitivity for detection of low-abundance genes
High stability
4X formation, high concentration
Saves time by supporting fast program